No Guilt Bakes

No Guilt Bakes offer low carb keto treats that are deliciously tasty & conveniently packaged. Dedicated to providing the very best of keto treats No Guilt Bakes believe it’s easier to adhere to a sugar free lifestyle if you don’t feel like you have to give up on sugar. We have helped them to deliver on their branding and packaging to break the mould and blend health with fun and inviting sweet treats.

The brief

No Guilt Bakes is all about making it easier to stick to a ketogenic and low carb lifestyle if you have a sweet tooth and you want to keep enjoying ‘indulgent timeouts. The founders of the brand wanted to create a look that stands alone in its own right with its own voice and personality. They wanted to reach out to larger retailers and sit firmly against the competition. They wanted a brand that was colourful, bright, bold, and full of life which communicated keto without feeling like a scientific, bland, diet led product. They wanted a brand that made you feel you were eating a treat or an indulgent product whilst also being able to sit amongst the keto/health category and communicate the products benefits.

The idea

Brand Picks looked to discover new avenues with their branding. No Guilt Bakes had created a logo in the form of a cake with wings when they started the business. The old logo demonstrated the no guilt/angel like qualities of the products as well as being lighter than life and fun. We wanted to take this core idea and take the wings into the concepts creating a more fluid branding with personality. From here we created various combinations of how it could work on pack including the key messages and areas to help the consumer to know what they are eating such as enlarged carb and keto information. With the addition of bright colours and new illustrations on pack their products have gone from strength to strength and now appear in retailers such as Planet Organic and Amazon with communication open and interest from further nationwide retailers.

Challenge 1

Build a brand that reflects both the personality of the founders as well as the brand itself, communicating clearly the meaning behind the products and targeting their target consumer.

Challenge 2

Find a solution for their brand mark/logo which was very rigid in its form. It was felt that the brand should be more invoking of the fun and fluid nature of baking and being expressive in its personality.

Challenge 3

Produce a set of designs for a variation of products involving product imagery, educational and informative elements, clear and inviting brand identity and all within a limited area on pack.
Research the market, the relevant retailers, the potential competitors and what they do well. The target consumer and what they expect from the products was a clear focus to ensure the products informed clearly whilst communicating the brand.
Create concepts from the research taking into consideration the limitations of the packaging
Present the concepts exploring the various ways in which the brand could follow. Building further upon feedback and research. Upon sign off the packs were printed and tested for colour and a first run was produced.
The completion of this project involved the bringing together of the back of pack information for each product, print checking the packs, adding in any information required and helping support for manufacture.
Finalise all artwork files and documentation. Sign off on the project deliverables and provide further support where required.

No Guilt Bakes

Taeya Abdel-Majeed, Co-Founder

Brand Picks Ltd made our logo an actual logo and any designer since hasn’t even tried to convince us it’s not amazing because IT IS! and iconic. They took the time to understand what our brand was about and were able to deliver a cohesive product that every retailer we have spoken to really responds to positively.